2013 - What now?
Kategori: Allmänt
So, they new year is here now! 2013, feels like it's going to be a good year! Really hopeful that some of my freinds from sweden will come here and visit me and that I will be able to go home to visit them aswell this year! :)
Personally I celebrated New Years Eve with portugese people, ONLY portugese people. One of my friends from work threw an awesome party so I went there and we had a great time, eventhough the main language of the party was portugese! haha, atleast they all knew good english! We all payed a certain amount of money and then all food + drinks were included. We had a really good time and at 00:00 I was eating 12 dried raisins making a wish for each one. This is some kind of portugese tradition I found out. But to be honest, I mad the same wish 12times just to ensure it will come true! ;)
Hope you all had a great newyear aswell! Really would have loved to be back in Sweden with my friends for newyears! Weird how just 2 years ago I spent my newyears with two of my closest friends saying that it might be the last newyear we all spend togheter for a really long time. And so it seems to be. Haven't been with them the last 2 years, and don't know where we will all be next years. One of them is at the moment i Thailand, the other one in Australia and I'm here in Ireland. Time moves fast, people moves away, but somehow somewhere I still know that we'll have another newyears togheter! I won't allow anything else! :)
I've had my father and my brother here visiting for a week. We've had a great time and I really enjoyed having them here! So due to that I have some photos from there I will be posting. Mostly from Cliffs Of Moher though. So probably later today there will be an update with almost only pictures. You can see most of them in my album "Ireland" on facebook aswell if that is prefered. There you can also comment and so on! :)
Don't really know what else to say. Had no internet for the last week or so and I haven't feelt that I had the time to blog earlier so therefor there haven't been any updates. Hopefully I will get it sorted sooner or later.
The 10th of January my brother Tobias and his girlfriend is going to thailand for two weeks so I will be living in their appartment in central Dublin taking care of their cute little kitty called Phebee! :) Will be really nice to spend some time there since I normaly live outside Dublin and now I will be only in Dublin for 2 weeks! :)
If there is anything in specifik you'd like to know or something. Just comment it and I will look into it :)
For the few that actually made it this far reading all of it, thanks for listening! :)
Have a great 2013 to all of you and take care!
Hope you all had a great newyear aswell! Really would have loved to be back in Sweden with my friends for newyears! Weird how just 2 years ago I spent my newyears with two of my closest friends saying that it might be the last newyear we all spend togheter for a really long time. And so it seems to be. Haven't been with them the last 2 years, and don't know where we will all be next years. One of them is at the moment i Thailand, the other one in Australia and I'm here in Ireland. Time moves fast, people moves away, but somehow somewhere I still know that we'll have another newyears togheter! I won't allow anything else! :)
I've had my father and my brother here visiting for a week. We've had a great time and I really enjoyed having them here! So due to that I have some photos from there I will be posting. Mostly from Cliffs Of Moher though. So probably later today there will be an update with almost only pictures. You can see most of them in my album "Ireland" on facebook aswell if that is prefered. There you can also comment and so on! :)
Don't really know what else to say. Had no internet for the last week or so and I haven't feelt that I had the time to blog earlier so therefor there haven't been any updates. Hopefully I will get it sorted sooner or later.
The 10th of January my brother Tobias and his girlfriend is going to thailand for two weeks so I will be living in their appartment in central Dublin taking care of their cute little kitty called Phebee! :) Will be really nice to spend some time there since I normaly live outside Dublin and now I will be only in Dublin for 2 weeks! :)
If there is anything in specifik you'd like to know or something. Just comment it and I will look into it :)
For the few that actually made it this far reading all of it, thanks for listening! :)
Have a great 2013 to all of you and take care!