Play your part, Do your role!


Kategori: Allmänt

Soccer made my night! Chelsea lost against WestHam, ohh how I like WestHam! So happy they won Championship and came back to us in dear belowed Premier League!

And Manchester United won over Reading after a very weird game. 4-3 after 39minutes. and it became the final score aswell. 2-2 after 20minutes. It was an obserd game. But a win is a win. And today, it was important!

Other than that there is not much on my mind right now. Other than the fact that I'm acctually looking forward till monday and work! Work work, hard work work! 

Ed Sheeran - Woderwall (acoustic cover) 
Is what's comming out of my speakers at the moment! Love life, or it won't love you back! 


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