Play your part, Do your role!

Always sunny in Dublin!

Kategori: Allmänt

Hey there everyone!
The sun has been shining all day and I was about to go out and snap some photos to post for you all!
But.. I got stuck in the world of fotball watching Premier League! And that's the plan for the rest of the day!

Got invited to a party tonight and was about to go, but I'm still so tired, eventhough I went to bed early yesterday! Think I'm getting sick! Figured I'll have another early evening and a day to relax! 

I've had a good week @ work. Really good! I'm enjoying it and my colleagues are nice!(except for when they change my birthday..!) I'm done with the training and up working now! And to be honest, it's now the real training beginns, since it's now I need to learn everything. But it will be fine, my colleagues are there for me aswell as my coach! 

I must edmitt that moving to Ireland really makes me feel like I'm more alive. Somehow, some weird way, I think that everything is a little more funny here. Even the fullmoon(that's been outside for 5 nights) seems to be bigger & brighter!
Just wish I could share all of this with my friends from back in Sweden!

So, the plan for tonight is to watch fotball, maybe a movie, catch some of you on facebook and be social with you till you get sick of me, and to just relax and do some drawings! I'll post one I made today further down!

I hope you all have a really good evening and that you get to sleep well!


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