Play your part, Do your role!


Kategori: Allmänt

Vet att ljud kvaliteten ar lite sadar likasom rosten ikvall.. men det ar nu jag vill ni ska se den sa offrar mig! 

Miss you my friends!!

Dublin City

Kategori: Allmänt

As you know I living in Leixlip, about 35minutes with commuter to Dublin. But for the coming two weeks starting tomorrow, I will be living in my brother and his girlfriends place in Dublin Center! :) I will most likely have access to SKYPE aswell so take the time to give me a call!
Other than that it's not much new, other then that I at the moment feel like I am getting screwed both by work and the people I live with...
Hope tomorrow straightens it all out a,little!

I'm out!

Time flies like the rythm of our lives

Kategori: Allmänt

Days passes like the seconds throughout a minute. Passes me by without my knowledge. Leaves me looking back wondering what happened.

Just a few years ago I was home in Arjeplog. I had the intentions to become an electrician and hopefully move to stockholm. But what was most important for me already then, first year of gymnasium, was to have a job when I graduated. And I graduated as an electrician with work starting monday after graduation. Life was treating me well and I thought I had everything I needed. Work, friends, family and all those things that matters the most.

Now, one and a half year after graduating, I am sitting here in Leixlip ,just outside Dublin Ireland, I'm on my third job. I got unemployed after beeing an electrician due to that the company didn't have enough work. But I was not unemployed for long. Pretty soon I was working in the hardwarestore back in Arjeplog. I enjoyed it. The workingdays were fun, well most of them anyways. I had my friends and my family and all those things. But something still was not right. What happened with my plans of moving away from arjeplog? Of moving to stockholm? Of seeing something new and "trying my wings"? Well as it turns out, stockholm got exchanged for Dublin and pretty soon after I started to feel the urge to do something, I found myself with an employment in Ireland. So I moved.

After coming here I know that it was the right thing to do, I'm feeling some kind of happiness I did not feel before, and I'm finding myself in a whole new way. I'm not saying this is where I want to spend my life. Just that this is where I want to spend some time to develop as a person, to see the world. But for tonight, and for alot of the nights that have been and are to follow. I wish I could be home. With all my friends, staying up through the nights talking, lying at home with someone in the phone speaking through the night. Having a totally unimportant conversation about something that nobody will ever care about. Those small day to day things that you have with your friends. I miss it. 

Soon it's been two months here in Ireland, and I can honestly say that I don't know when I will be coming home even to visit. But I promise that when I do come home, we'll throw a sick party ! ;)
As I now am about to close my eyes I just want you all to know, not a day passes without me thinking of all my friends from Sweden, not a single day! 

Got to hit the bed now though! Hope you all had a great weekend and I know this update is a little messy. But there is just so much going through my head right now. Wish I could tell you more about it, but first I need to straighten it out for myself!! Sleep well !

"Play your part, do your role"

Cliffs Of Moher

Kategori: Allmänt

As said earlier my brother and my father was here from sweden. So we all(me, Robert, Anders, Tobias and Tobias girlfriend Valerie) took at trip to Cliffs Of Moher. And I must say, that it's probobaly one of the most amazing places I've ever seen! I don't know how to explain it, and the pictures does not even close to give you the right view of it. You simply must see it to understand it. Anyone who ever goes to this country, I must tell you, GO THERE!!

Anyways, I'll show you some pictures anyways! Just cause I can! haha

PS: From the biggest cliff the drophight is 214meters.. That alone gives you a hint of how big it is!
Here comes a little part of the photos from the Cliffs! :) 

2013 - What now?

Kategori: Allmänt

So, they new year is here now! 2013, feels like it's going to be a good year! Really hopeful that some of my freinds from sweden will come here and visit me and that I will be able to go home to visit them aswell this year! :)

Personally I celebrated New Years Eve with portugese people, ONLY portugese people. One of my friends from work threw an awesome party so I went there and we had a great time, eventhough the main language of the party was portugese! haha, atleast they all knew good english! We all payed a certain amount of money and then all food + drinks were included. We had a really good time and at 00:00 I was eating 12 dried raisins making a wish for each one. This is some kind of portugese tradition I found out. But to be honest, I mad the same wish 12times just to ensure it will come true! ;)

Hope you all had a great newyear aswell! Really would have loved to be back in Sweden with my friends for newyears! Weird how just 2 years ago I spent my newyears with two of my closest friends saying that it might be the last newyear we all spend togheter for a really long time. And so it seems to be. Haven't been with them the last 2 years, and don't know where we will all be next years. One of them is at the moment i Thailand, the other one in Australia and I'm here in Ireland. Time moves fast, people moves away, but somehow somewhere I still know that we'll have another newyears togheter! I won't allow anything else! :)

I've had my father and my brother here visiting for a week. We've had a great time and I really enjoyed having them here! So due to that I have some photos from there I will be posting. Mostly from Cliffs Of Moher though. So probably later today there will be an update with almost only pictures. You can see most of them in my album "Ireland" on facebook aswell if that is prefered. There you can also comment and so on! :)

Don't really know what else to say. Had no internet for the last week or so and I haven't feelt that I had the time to blog earlier so therefor there haven't been any updates. Hopefully I will get it sorted sooner or later.

The 10th of January my brother Tobias and his girlfriend is going to thailand for two weeks so I will be living in their appartment in central Dublin taking care of their cute little kitty called Phebee! :) Will be really nice to spend some time there since I normaly live outside Dublin and now I will be only in Dublin for 2 weeks! :)

If there is anything in specifik you'd like to know or something. Just comment it and I will look into it :) 

For the few that actually made it this far reading all of it, thanks for listening! :)

Have a great 2013 to all of you and take care! 

Nyars listan!

Kategori: Allmänt

Årets låt: Gangnam style! helt klart! haha
Årets film: Sett otroligt manga bra filmer! Men maste saga att dom gamla filmerna jag sett ar dom jag minns bast. Speciellt Bagger Vance. Att se Will Smith (varldens basta skadespelare) i den typen av roll som han har i den filmen var jakligt kul!! :)
Årets app: Fotbolls resultats app. minns ej namnet dock!
Årets album: Keywest, forsta albumet jag nagonsin kopt faktiskt!
Årets bok: The Aelph ! Ratt konstig bok men riktigt bra!
Årets kärlek: Finns en tjej just nu som far mig att lee bredare, skratta oftare och som jag tanker pa aven nar hon inte ar har! :)
Årets ord: "Valkommen till HP Servicedesk" eftersom man sager det tamejfan 15ganger om dan! ;) haha
Årets lyckligaste stund: De stunder jag haft med mina narmsta vanner. Allihopa lika mycket varda!
Årets resa: Till Irland for jobb och en nystart av livet!
Årets månad: November! Att komma hit till Dublin och se allt och gora allt ar helt otroligt ! Men juli var GRYMT med alla festivaler ocksa!
Årets besvikelse: Att fira julafton och nyarsafton utan sno!!!! :( BLEEH
Årets bästa överraskning: Att mota en gammal van pa busstationen i Arvidsjaur och ateruppta kontakten! Det var och ar nagot stort for mig!!
Årets sämsta överraskning: Att saker inte haller da man kastar dom i en tegelvagg eller i golvet. Det gjorde mig lite smaledsen alltsa!
Årets prestation: Flyttat utomlands och jobba! Kanns stort!
Årets person: Joel och Erika. Vi har inte umgatts forut men efter detta ar och denna sommar kanns det som vi ar otroligt nara vanner!
Årets roligaste: PDOL maste jag nog saga, sa javla sjukt! hahah! Hade grymt kul som coach pa PiteaSummerGames ocksa!
Årets härligaste: En av grabbarna jag tranat i fotboll i sommar. Nar han pa PiteaSummerGames har med sig ett litet anteckningsblock ut pa discot pa kvallen, sa han ska kunna skriva ner tjejernas nummer!!! :'D Sjukt skon kille! haha
Årets galnaste: PDOL - Nar nicklas kommer in genom fonstret pa andra vaningen halv5 pa morgon! hahahahahahaha!
Årets konsert: Norlie&KKV, lyssnade mycket pa dom under sommaren och att se dom var kul! :)
Årets datum: 9:e November. Dagen jag kom till Irland.
Årets godaste: Rokt lax!! Alskar det!!
Årets smärta: Inte haft sa mycket ont! Nagra smallar over mitt arr pa knaet som gjort ont. Annars nar jag rakade hugga mig med kniven i vaden! hahaha
Årets plagg: Lundhags Traverse byxan! Fyfan vilken underbar byxa alltsa!
Årets bästa köp: Min rodsvarta gitarr som skriker safort jag ror i den ! ;)
Årets "Yes!": Nar jag fick jobbet pa Irland
Årets tyngsta: Saknaden efter mina vanner !
Årets duktigaste: Mina vanner, som pa nagot konstigt vis star ut med mig ;)
Årets bästa beslut: Att flytta hit ! Men mycket som ar jobbigt ocksa. Men det kanns som att jag utvecklas mycket som person och att det kommer paverka mig som manniska!
Årets sämsta beslut: Nagot dumt jag gjort har i Irland. Nagra av er kanske vet vad, vill inte ta det har iaf.
Årets mysigaste: Svart att saga bara en stund! Men helgen i Tonys stuga var javligt nice! :)
Årets förändring: Flyttat till Irland.
Årets saknad: Mina vanner i Sverige och Australien!
Det absolut bästa som hände mig under 2012: Nya vanner, aterfunnit en van, borjat spela gitarr, flyttat till Irland!!