"En av anledningarna till att jag mar sa bra som jag gor ar att jaq kan prata med dig igen:) du gor mer an vad du tror bara genom att vara! Och jag alskar dig med just for jag vet att du alltid skulle finnas for mig och jag vet att jag kan lita pa dig :) du ar den basta van jag haft :)"
Ingen julkansla, det ar nog det enda som behovs sagas. En jul utan sno det kanns konstigt, Overkligt. Nagot som ar fel kanner man! Forovrigt ar det bra men har verkligen inte orkat skriva. Ha det! Hejs
Hey there! I know I haven't been writing for some time. This week have been obserdly busy. Been so much at work. Work, eat, work, eat a little guitar playing and then sleep. That's the description of the entire last week. Haven't had the energy to write!
Last weekend was fun! We had a party with work! SO much people, electric bull and everything! Almost won it. One guy beated me later. So I came second on it! But it was great fight. Got into some trouble with a guy and broke my watch and my shirt. That pretty much describes friday. Got home around 6 in the morning I think. WICKED NIGHT! :) Saturday I went to a party with some people from work. had a great time! :)
Now I'm just chilling with some music! Hungover and tired. But that's life when you party like a rockstar! Might be some photos coming up sometime this week from yesterday! Anyways, got to get back to life!
Just one more thing. The guy, who's always been there, who's never let me down and who's always been a littlebit like a brother, is having his birthday today! So let's all raise our glas(cola, beer, wine whatever) for the man who was always there when needed! Ulf, I do miss you my friend!
So! Today it's here! Cristmas i closing in! And there is green grass, NO snow, around 0 degrees and raining. This feels wrong in so many ways. How can it possibly be the second of december and this type of weather? It really messes with my head! Feels like it's early September or something. My dad and my brother is coming here for christmas so that feels good! It's going to be so much fun! To think that in just a little more than 3 weeks you will be here, I can't wait! We're going to have such a good time Robert! :)
Soccer made my night! Chelsea lost against WestHam, ohh how I like WestHam! So happy they won Championship and came back to us in dear belowed Premier League!
And Manchester United won over Reading after a very weird game. 4-3 after 39minutes. and it became the final score aswell. 2-2 after 20minutes. It was an obserd game. But a win is a win. And today, it was important!
Other than that there is not much on my mind right now. Other than the fact that I'm acctually looking forward till monday and work! Work work, hard work work!
Ed Sheeran - Woderwall (acoustic cover) Is what's comming out of my speakers at the moment! Love life, or it won't love you back!
Hey there everyone! The sun has been shining all day and I was about to go out and snap some photos to post for you all! But.. I got stuck in the world of fotball watching Premier League! And that's the plan for the rest of the day!
Got invited to a party tonight and was about to go, but I'm still so tired, eventhough I went to bed early yesterday! Think I'm getting sick! Figured I'll have another early evening and a day to relax!
I've had a good week @ work. Really good! I'm enjoying it and my colleagues are nice!(except for when they change my birthday..!) I'm done with the training and up working now! And to be honest, it's now the real training beginns, since it's now I need to learn everything. But it will be fine, my colleagues are there for me aswell as my coach!
I must edmitt that moving to Ireland really makes me feel like I'm more alive. Somehow, some weird way, I think that everything is a little more funny here. Even the fullmoon(that's been outside for 5 nights) seems to be bigger & brighter! Just wish I could share all of this with my friends from back in Sweden!
So, the plan for tonight is to watch fotball, maybe a movie, catch some of you on facebook and be social with you till you get sick of me, and to just relax and do some drawings! I'll post one I made today further down!
I hope you all have a really good evening and that you get to sleep well!