Play your part, Do your role!

All good!

Kategori: Allmänt

I'm at my brothers place now! I haven't found my own space yet so I'm sleeping in his couch! It's nice to hang out with him again, and to meet his girlfriend !!

First week is done now, it's been a good week! Training and introuction, meeting the people I'm working with and so on. Next week will be more training, but a different type of training! Kindof longing for it. But it feels nice with a regular weekend. Just chilling, just relaxing, just thinking!

I've had a slow evening! We ordered in and after that we've been watching stupid clips on youtube and talking. Just socialicing! 
But the slow night also makes me think about my friends, and damn do I miss you. ALREADY! It's not good when I miss you this much after such a short time. It has to do with that I know it's going to take so long untill I see you again! And it's going to be amazing when we meet again! But for now, thinking about it, just makes me sad, just slows the night down and takes away the energy from the colors surrounding me here in Dublin! I know it sounds really sad. But that's couse it makes me sad, but also happy, that I have the right to miss you, that we are so good friends that I can miss you! :)

If you catch me online @ facebook, don't hesitate to write me! I'll appriciate it, even if it's just something stupid!
Now you all have a good nights sleep! Because that is what I'm going to have! 
Sleep TIght!


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